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Why to Make Your Workout...YOUR WORKOUT
"Discover why your workout should be completely unique and individual to you, yet at the same time...the exact same thing everyone else is doing?"
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #GetJacked Project
What would you say if I told you that your workout should:
A) be completely individual & unique to you...
B) the exact same thing everybody else is doing... the same time?
Sort of a contradiction, right? Lemme explain.
If you wanna get strong, athletic, & "look good nekkid", then you know that at least part of your workout is gonna have include some "big" exercises.
Stuff to get stronger & put on lean muscle.
Think Bench, Deadlifts, Presses...stuff like that.
Now if you & I both wanna "get jacked", then it's a safe bet that we should both be Benching, right?
Sure it is.
But that doesn't mean we should (necessarily) be Benching the same way.
Maybe your main goal is get stronger, so you'd be better off Benching in a way that's geared almost wholly toward increasing your "max" 1RM over a few weeks.
Whereas maybe what's best for me is a more "balanced" Bench routine that's equal parts putting more weight on the bar and building more muscle on the chest, shoulders, & triceps.
See what I mean?
We both have the same overall goal, which means (in part) we should both Bench, but when you get down to specifics, we should both be Benching differently.
If you're gonna Bench, then you need to be Rowing, too.
Balance out your "pushes" with your "pulls", prevent muscular imbalances from happening, prevent injury, put some muscle on the upper back, and so on.
Now my buddy Andy *really* likes doing DB Rows. He gets a great stretch, can use a lot of weight, really feels the muscles contract...the whole nine yards.
I think DB Rows are a great exercise & all, but they've just never done a whole lot for me. They never give me a good pump, I always feel like other muscles are doing too much of the work, etc.
Like I said - DB Rows are a great exercise...they just don't yank my chain is all.
On the other hand, I'm a huge fan of Barbell Rows. I can use a ton of weight, I can control where I "feel" it in my back depending on where I pull the bar into my torso, & so on.
My buddy Andy, however, doesn't care for Barbell Rows in the slightest. Pretty much never gets a good workout with 'em.
Now, are either of us "wrong"?
Of course not - just different strokes for different folks is all. As long as we're both still Rowing, that's all that really matters.
This is what I mean when I say your workout should be "individual to you" and "the same thing everyone else is doing".
If athletic strength, explosive power, lean muscle, & fat-busting cardio are what you want, then there's a definite plan you should be following.
But at the same time, you should be able to make that plan your own. Give you leeway to make certain choices based on your own specific goals.
Pick certain exercises based on what you like best & what works for you.
Work out either at the gym or at home.
And maybe most importantly, work out when you want to, on the days you want to.
None of this "Tuesday is always Squat day" junk. We're both "real guys" living in the "real world"...and sometimes the "real world" doesn't fall in line with our workout schedule.
You gotta be able to improvise when you need to.
So what would a program like this look like?
A workout that was completely planned out for you, yet you still had a lot of free reign to tweak & customize just for yourself?
Find out when you Click the Button Below: