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7 Muscle-Building Rules You NEED to Get Right – Want to get bigger & stronger? Follow these "unwritten rules" to make it happen faster.
Never Do These 4 Things Before A Workout – There are some things you can do to make sure you have a totally kickass workout. These four things are NOT on that list.
10 Things Every Lifter Should Be Able to Do – Any dude who spends a decent amount of time working out should be able to do certain things. Here's a list to not only make sure you're on track, but a well-rounded lifter, too.
Best Chest Exercise...Ever? – Learn how making one simple tweak to one of your favorite chest exercises can radically improve your size & strength.
The 20 Pullup Challenge – Anybody can do heavy Pulldowns, but it takes serious strength to be able to do 20 full range, dead hang Pullups. Discover how to build up to it with this guide.
7 Mistakes Keeping You From Bodacious Biceps – If your arms are more "pipe cleaner" than they are "gun show", chances are you're making one (or more) of these seven screw-ups. Learn how to correct your Curls for colossal biceps.
The 10-Step Guide To Build Muscle Fast – If building lean muscle, athletic strength, & explosive power is what you want, you'd better make sure you're doing these 10 things.
Why You Should Skip the "Most Important Meal Of the Day" – Learn how adopting this controversial diet plan can not only free up a lot of your time, but radically cut fat, improve your workouts, & skyrocket your energy levels.
12 Reasons You're Not Losing Fat – Whether it's "too much of a good thing" or just doing the wrong things in general, here's a dozen reasons why you might not be losing fat as quickly as you'd like.
10 Tips For Building Muscle Fast – Let bodybuilder Geremy Satcher show you his top ten tricks & methods for putting on muscle mass quickly.
How to Get a Big & Thick Upper Back – Anybody can build a big chest. Big arms can be hidden by certain clothing styles. But a big, thick upper back is going to always exude a look of strength, power, & dominance. Learn this great exercise to look "yoked".
Sailor Sets World Record by Doing 5804 Pullups in 24 Hours – Learn How Navy Air Traffic Controller has recently set a world record of doing over 5800 Pullups in a 24-hour time period to raise awareness for Operation Enduring Warrior.
"It's All In the Wrist" (Safeguarding Against Carpal Tunnel) – Do your wrists, hands, or forearms hurt? Be sure to use these two tips to make sure it's not carpal tunnel syndrome.