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How James "Got Jacked" (& Beat the Doctors!)
"Follow this former minor league baseball player as he goes from bodybuilding and torn muscles to being strong, athletic, explosive, durable, and doing things in the 'real world'"
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #GetJacked Project
Lemme tell you about my good friend James.
James was actually one of my first lifting partners back in high school when I first started working out.
A couple years older than me, he hadn't been lifting that much longer than I had, but James took to it pretty quickly. Started getting pretty strong & putting on muscle.
Now James was doing the usual bodybuilding type workout straight outta the muscle magazines. Hell, that's what we were all doing back in the day.
Thing is that James wasn't just a typical "meathead" or "gym rat" - he was a pretty serious athlete.
As in right after graduation, he signed a contract to start playing minor league baseball with a promising career in the big leagues looming...
...until he blew his knee out.
Not even 20 years old & all hopes of ever playing Major League Baseball are gone. James is now destined to be a "regular guy" forever...or is he?
After rehabbing his knee, he decides to put everything he has into the gym, getting as big & strong as he can.
And when I say "big", I mean "big" in 6'1", 265 pounds at 8% bodyfat big.
"I was f@cking huge" is how he put it to me.
Problem is that he pretty much hated it because the gym took over his damn life.
He's working out all the time. Every time he turns around, he's gotta be eating. He's always worried about recovery & sleep. It was just no way to live.
Worse yet, he's missing just getting outside & doing stuff like he used to do back when he was playing ball.
So he did what any of us experiencing that much burnout would do. He quit.
And he started getting out & doing stuff again.
Running. Hiking. Biking. Show-shoeing. Rugby. Rec-league softball.
And he loved EVERY minute of it. He was finally able to start moving...start using his body...start doing the stuff nature intended all of us to do in one way or another.
(Because let's face it...just sitting around & doing nothing gets boring as hell.)
But after a while, the gym started calling out to him again. Started to draw him back.
Just like that ex-girlfriend who you just can't bring yourself to delete her number out of your phone, no matter how badly you know you should, James ended up going back.
Hell, if nothing else, James wanted to make sure he looked "jacked" & get his physique on point because he's never been a guy to not look good for the ladies...
Problem is that he went back to the old bodybuilding type workouts...WHILE he was running & hiking & doing everything else.
Wasn't long before the injuries started coming back in a big way.
Torn hamstring. Torn meniscus. Torn groin.
James could literally work circles around everyone at the gym, yet his body is a complete train wreck.
Hell, he was so bad off that one day his physical therapist is running him through some assessments & James can't even stand on one leg for more than a few seconds without falling over.
Dang man...isn't there a way to look good, perform well, NOT be injured all the damn time, *and* be able to go out & do "real world shit" (as James would put it)?
Well, it just so happened that it was around this time that James & reconnected on Facebook. (Thank you Al Gore for the
He started telling me about all the problems he'd had over the years & I immediately put him on the type of workouts you find in this program.
He wasn't just getting strong anymore, he was building athletic strength.
He was now focusing on explosive power.
He was doing "power conditioning" to not only have great cardio & burn off any excess bodyfat, but to be able to go outside & do his favorite activities without getting tired.
He was looking good for the ladies (which we know he likes, lol).
The injuries just seemed to go away (which he didn't think was ever gonna happen).
Beyond all that, maybe the craziest thing that he didn't expect...he started to LOVE working out again! He looked forward to hitting the iron with these workouts... the point that he's actually since invested a bunch of his own money to put together his own really sweet gym setup at home.
I could keep going, but lemme just let James tell you in his own words:
As you can see, James is definitely got the "jacked" look going on...and he can back every bit of it up and more, lemme assure you. you wanna know how to do the same thing?
How to turn your workouts around, look great in the mirror, damn near injury-proof yourself, AND be able to kick ass with all the "real world shit" out there?