Look Good, Feel Better, & Live a Badass Life When You Join The...
"I'm about to show you everything I know about the ultimate muscle workout to get athletic strength, get explosive power, get lean & rock hard muscle, get fat-busting cardio, get ripped, & most importantly, #GetJacked...all with one simple workout."
YEAH, YOU GET IT...all those "other guys" try to give you workouts that make you strong OR help you lose weight OR improve performance OR build a little muscle OR maybe increase your cardio.
But YOU are smarter than that.
You know it doesn't have to be some "either/or" game. You don't want to just be strong or lean or have good cardio. You know that a REAL workout should be able to give you it all...because you want it all!
That's why I'm going to show you how to get athletic strength....get explosive power...get lean & ripped muscle...get fat-busting cardio. In other words...
I'm going to give you everything you need to #GetJacked:
How to do one all-out "max" set...without destroying your nervous system, overtraining, or running the risk of injury
How you can train for strength and explosive power at the same time...and with the same exercise
My own personal favorite Lower Body movement that can render the "King of Exercises" useless...and save your joints at the same time
When the only time you should lift more than 90% of your max is
Why Front Squats might be a terrible choice for you (I hardly ever do them...and I'll tell you why)
How a simple "rep count" can get you stronger and put muscle on you...without ever calculating how much weight is on the bar
The single best "home-based" method I've ever used to dramatically increase my strength, explosive power, & muscle mass...all with dumbbells (No barbells needed!)
The "sweet spot" training range that I and my clients from all over the world have found be the simply the best & most result-producing for "regular guys"
One of the most popular bodyweight Lower Body strength exercises in existence...and why I think you should never do it
Why it's not necessary - and might even be a bad idea - to train the Upper Body & Lower Body with the same methods
When you should push to your absolute physical limits...and why those times are few & far between
When your set & rep scheme sometimes just doesn't matter (but what does matter instead)
The quick, "45-second" way to figure out how much weight you should be lifting if max strength is your goal
The "right way" to do your warmup sets...including just how many you should do
When to "cut the cord" on your sets...even if you're setting new records
Why one method makes you test your "max" two days in a row
How to "stack sets" together so you can not only build strength & power, but cardio too
What important substitutions you'll have to make if you're training at home (or just don't have access to barbells in general)
How long your rest breaks should be
Why some "top effort" sets will have you doing 8+ reps even though that's usually way too much for strength & power development
When you should be using the same weight vs increasing every set
The trick I learned from a top coach (& recently turned pro bodybuilder) to maximize shoulder & upper back development
The "different" complex method one of the world's top conditioning coaches uses to boost explosive power
When "sets & reps" just aren't important
How the easiest work you'll do all week can give you the best fat loss results
Why some of the exercises you pick just do NOT matter
The quick "one conditioning complex" method that can improve your conditioning in just minutes
Why plyometrics should be the absolute simplest part of your program (and exactly when you should do them)
How to "work-rest-work" your way added muscle growth & strength-endurance
The "two-makes-three" exercise combo that will have you cussing me for days (but shredding bodyfat & skyrocketing cardio)
Why a simple mindset shift can make every single workout more explosive & athletic
How to work out pretty much any time you want...and why this is way more effective than a "set" schedule"
Why "backoff" sets are so important, but should radically change depending on which method you're using
And a whole lot more...
A 60-Day #GetJacked Game Plan...
Listen, I can't promise you any specific results.

But everything I'm going to show you has been responsible for producing the most & biggest results in athletic strength...
Explosive power...
Building lean, hard muscle...
Fat-busting cardio...
And more for not only me, but my clients, athletes, & trainees literally all over the world.
That's why it's called the #GetJackedProject...
Because this 60-day plan has been designed, honed, & refined with one single goal in mind:
To make it as easy as possible for you to #GetJacked!
I'll be honest - short of me going to the gym & actually doing the workouts for you...
I Cannot Possibly Make it Any Easier For You to #GetJacked
When you join us on the "inside" of the #GetJackedProject today, you'll get:
The "Trifecta of Strength & Power Badassery". Just like there's no single one best way to skin a cat, there's no one single best way to improve athletic strength & explosive power. This standalone ebook is a "deep dive" into the three absolute best strength & power methods I've ever used...to the point that I've even created complete programs around each of these methods in the past (which gives this information alone a legit $150 value). Not to be satisfied with only strength & power, these methods are also the best for building the lean, rock hard muscle that will give you the imposing & aesthetic physique you're looking for.
A complete & total 60-day workout program. While athletic strength, explosive power, & lean, rock hard muscle is the crucial first step to #GetJacked, it's not the only step. You also need non-stop conditioning, fat-busting cardio, proper warmups & prehabilitation, dynamic mobility, plyometrics, bodyweight exercise, "vanity" assistance work, muscular imbalance prevention, medicine ball work, and even more. The methods in the Trifecta of Strength & Power Badassery gets you started, and this finishes you off. Everything you need will be included and nothing will be left to chance. All you have to do is put in the work.
Gym Version AND Home Version. Maybe you train at a commercial gym. Maybe a high school weight room. Maybe it's at home in front of your TV or in your backyard with a couple of adjustable dumbbells or kettlebells. It doesn't matter because you're going to get two versions of the monthly #GetJackedProject program every month - one to be used at the gym, and one to be used at home. Train where you want, when you want. Skip the gym because you're busy & hit it at home. Get your workouts in the hotel gym while traveling. Or hit the gym & tear the house down there. Doesn't matter. Wherever you're at, I've got you covered because you're basically getting two complete workout programs every month.
Work out on YOUR schedule. No more of this "do Workout #1 on Monday" or "Saturday is always Bench day". #GetJackedProject workouts not only let you train where you want (gym, home, etc), but when you want. Make your workouts fit your life...don't make your life fit your workouts.
"Hybridize" your workouts. Sometimes there is no "best choice". Want to know how "mix & match" different elements, methods, & more to create a completely customized program perfect just for you? I'll show you how.
The "Power Conditioning Warmup Paradox". What would you say if I told you that the absolute BEST thing you to do to improve your explosive power & athleticism, not to mention dramatically boost your intense conditioning, as well as the best time to include "special" elements (plyometrics, I'm looking at you here) was your during your warmups? You'll learn how to do it all - and more - in just a few minutes at the beginning of each workout.
And if all that wasn't enough for you...
I'm Even Gonna Bribe You to Join Us
Any guy that wants to #GetJacked, needs to be able to do Pullups. Lots & lots of Pullups.

Which is exactly why I'm going to also throw in my acclaimed (and hugely popular) Pullup Blast program (a legit $19.95 value) for FREE.
Billed as the program to having you "Do More Pullups in 4 Weeks or Less", the Pullups Blast is going to have you putting your chin over that bar more times & more easily than you ever have before...and without a "kip" in sight.
You'll get three different Pullup training programs, learn how often you should be doing Pullups, a Pullup-increasing method from a top NCAA Div. 1 strength coach, the best non-Pullup related thing you can do to improve your Pullups, what to do if you don't have easy access to a Pullup bar, & tons more.
In fact, the Pullup Blast is the program that helped my friend Hayley (a then 30-year old female from the UK) do her FIRST EVER Pullup, as well as my buddy Steven get 1st Place in a local Pullups contest.
The Pullup Blast fits in perfectly with the #GetJackedProject & is yours...FREE!
Anyway, Here's the Deal...
To join us as a part of the #GetJackedProject - your 60-day, athletic strength, explosive power, lean muscle & fat-busting cardio solution - is only going to run you a measly $47.
(That's less than you're going to pay for just one session with most know-nothing personal trainers. And don't forget that you're also getting the Pullup Blast - which has an everyday retail price of $19.95 - at no charge!)
Simple fact of the matter is if you want to get athletic strength, explosive power, fat-busting cardio, & a jacked physique, that...
The #GetJackedProject Is What You've Been Looking For
My inner circle of fellow #GetJackedProject badasses & I simply kick ass, take names, get stronger, look better, & lead fun, fulfilling, badass lives.
And I hope you wanna do the same, because...
The #GetJackedProject is only for badasses who wanna win at life.
Anyway...there's weight to lift, Pullups to do, hills to run, abs to shred, & bicep peaks to build.
The guys on the inside are making it happen...and fast.
Now is time for you to choose if you want in or not.
I'll personally grant you membership access to everything you need within 24 hours of your transaction completing - both for the #GetJackedProject and the Pullup Blast.
Click the button to get started - I look forward to us making this badass journey together:
See you on the "other side"...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
**NOTE: All products mentioned on this page are electronic products made up of e-books (.pdf files), online video(s), facebook group(s), and/or private “membership” web pages – no physical products are shipped. Be sure to hit the “Return to Merchant” button after your transaction completes to get access to your product. I will manually send you a product access link via email to the address on your paypal transaction generally within 24 hours.