WAIT - Want Some Help?
"Let me be your own personal guide, coach & trainer - get unlimited access to me PLUS all of WCF's current 60-day programs AND a new Blast program every single month...all for less than a cup of coffee per week."
Hey - thanks for getting in on the #GetJackedProject. Maybe I'm biased, but I firmly believe it's the single best program on the market today to get you the overall package of athletic strength, explosive power, lean & rock hard muscle, fat-busting cardio, & more.
But real quick - I wanna make you a special offer.
If I've been known for anything over the years at WCFnation, it's my Blast programs - short, intense programs to get in, kick some major ass, & get out.
Some focus on a singular goal...kinda like the Pullup Blast you're getting with the #GetJackedProject. Others are complete 4-week "blasts" (hence the name) that shock your system & change things up.
(It's years later & I still have guys talking about how much they like my old Ass Kicking Blast & FTW Blast programs!)
There are a LOT of new Blast programs coming down the pike, and I don't want you to miss out on a single one of them. Which is why I'm introducing...
First thing's first - you'll get permanent access to all of WCF's 60-Day programs:
#GetJackedProject (everyday retail price - $47) - Learn everything I know about the ultimate muscle workout to get athletic strength, get explosive power, get lean & rock hard muscle, get fat-busting cardio, get ripped, & most importantly, #GetJacked...all with one simple workout.
#Torch (everyday retail price - $47) - Discover how to get lean, ripped, & have "party-trick" power so you can look great, feel even better, & have twice the energy...all without running a single step of "traditional" cardio.
#Torch 2 - Hitting the Bar (everyday retail price - $47) - The 60-day BARBELL VERSION of the best-selling bodyfat blasting & cardio-building system.
#Forge (everyday retail price - $47) - Your complex training solution for building functional fitness without complicated, technical exercises, stuff that will get you injured, or needing specialized equipment.
#Dominate (everyday retail price - $47) - The bodyweight training system that builds the athletic strength of barbells, gets you the cardio of intervals, & lets you #Dominate your bodyweight...all without getting sore joints or having to learn tricky gymnastics moves
But this isn't all, because when you join the #GoinPlatinumClub, you're also gonna get...
A New Blast Program...
Every Single Month!
Just like you're going to get all of WCF's current 60-day programs, you'll also get all current Blast programs:
Pullup Blast (everyday retail price - $19.95) - Build a wider & stronger back, get your chin over the bar easier, & max out your next PT text...all without a single "Kip" in sight!
Core Blast (everyday retail price - $17) - Discover the "secrets" behind how to get six-pack abs, have a strong & bulletproof core, & why your ab workouts might be a waste of time
Eat Anything You Like Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - Get the 'brain-dead' simple diet to build muscle, lose fat, be athletic, & skyrocket your energy. No more tracking calories, weighing your food, or worrying about what you eat. You could almost call it the 'Beer & Pizza' diet... might be a waste of time
Monster Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - October means Halloween and Halloween means monsters! Now while monsters are usually scary because of how they look (can't help you with that one...sorry...lol), they're also scary because they can pluck a guy's arms off without even thinking. Learn how to get "monster strong" that lets you manhandle anything that comes your way. Just know that we can't be held responsible if you scare small children in the process.
Avoid the Masses Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - The holidays are here and with that comes shopping...lots and lots of shopping. This means crazy crowds & people everywhere - and don't even get me started on Black Friday! I dunno about you, but I have absolutely NO desire to be out in all that commotion. So here's a set of "quick & dirty" workouts that get you all your strength, cardio, & more in minimal time. Get in, get done, get out, & avoid crowded hysteria.
Santa Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - Lean how sandbags should REALLY be used to build strength, cardio, muscle, "fill in the gaps" left by ordinary workouts, & turn you into the baddest mofo on your block. Oh and if you're using those "new" sandbags with handles & such...you're doing it wrong.
Reset Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - Ever feel like you just need to "start over"? (That can happen after the holidays.) Like you need something new? Or you just want to able to train on a system that not only works on your schedule, but doesn't beat you up? Maybe you're a WCF "old-timer" and remember the original "Career Meathead Blast" from some years back. Well, if you want the updated version, then this is it.
Cannon Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - Whether you want bigger biceps to stretch your t-shirt or triceps strong enough to bench press a moose, discover how to get gargantuan guns now!
Double Barrel Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - Learn to harness the power of the number "2" to get some pretty kickass workouts. Meaning the program will alternate back & forth between two workouts. You'll do two exercise complexes. You'll have two main parts to each workout. Plus, you'll have complete control over your program, getting to not only choose when & how often you work out, but what each workout actually looks like.
Mountain Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - Big biceps are cool & ripped abs are fancy, but having 'mountainous muscle' across your shoulders, traps, and upper back give you undeniable strength & power...both how you look in the mirror AND what you can do in the real world!
Slumber Blast (everyday retail price - $27) - The 30-day event that helps you get to sleep more easily, have more energy, think clearer, improve recovery, combat insomnia, & feel better overall in your everyday life...all without having to resort to prescription medications or making drastic changes to your normal regular daily schedule.
Ass Kicking Blast 2.0 (everyday retail price - $27) - If you have the heart & the guts to kick your own ass, these simple, short, yet brutally effective workouts will kick EVERYTHING about your body into high gear...and do it with almost NO equipment.
In addition, there is still one more new Blast program coming out before the end of August 2016 (after which point there will be no more WCF Blast programs ever) & I want you to get 'em all.
When you join the #GoinPlatinumClub, you'll get each program automatically delivered to your email in-box as soon as it's released (and before the public even knows about it!)
Unlimited Coaching, Membership Access, Premium Email Newsletter & More
When you join us on the "inside" of the #GoinPlatinumClub today, in addition to a new Blast program delivered to your email in-box every month, you'll also get:
24/7 Access to Me via our private, members-only Facebook group. If there was ever a cooler place to hang out, I haven't found it, yet. Come chill in the #WCFnation Facebook group. You can post your workouts, support your brothers, brag about your new PRs, & more. I'm in there on a daily basis answering questions & providing any support you need. Plus, almost every day I'll be posting exclusive, members-only content you can't see anywhere else - articles, videos, emails, and more.
24/7 Access to Me via personalized email coaching. You'll get 24/7 email access to me so I can provide unlimited personalized coaching & support. Anything you need, all you have to do is drop me an email. I answer all my emails myself personally, and almost always within 24 hours. (If there's anything I'm known head & shoulders above the rest for, it's my serious levels of support!)
Bonuses - I'm always running across new stuff, getting hooked up with freebies, and so on. I can't say exactly what I'll have when, but anything I can pass onto you, will be.
And if all that wasn't enough for you...
Less Than a Cup Of Coffee Per Week
What does a decent cup of coffee run these days? Now, I'm not really a coffee drinker, but I have buddies that spend as much as $4-5 on a single cup of fancy java at Starbucks...and at least a few times per week.
Well, what if I told you that you could get in on the #GoinPlatinumClub...get all the WCF 60-day programs, all the WCF Blast programs, private Facebook group access, unlimited email coaching, and more...
..all for a measly $2.82 per week?
For only $147 (roughly the cost of only three 60-day programs), you're getting FIVE current 60-day programs, TWELVE current Blast programs, plus one more brand new Blast program before the end of August...a legit retail value of well over $600.
It's like a getting a 75% Discount!
Click the button to get started ASAP...your free bonuses & coaching will be waiting for you on the inside.
See you on the "other side"...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
**NOTE: All products mentioned on this page are electronic products made up of e-books (.pdf files), online video(s), facebook group(s), and/or private “membership” web pages – no physical products are shipped. Be sure to hit the “Return to Merchant” button after your transaction completes to get access to your product. I will manually send you a product access link via email to the address on your paypal transaction generally within 24 hours.