SIGN ME UP Wiggy, I’m More Than Ready To…
Sleep Better & Rest Easy
"The 30-day 'event' that helps you get to sleep more easily, have more energy, think clearer, improve recovery, combat insomnia, & feel better overall in your everyday life...all without having to resort to prescription medications or making drastic changes to your normal regular daily schedule."
YEAH WIGGY, I “GET IT”…not getting enough sleep absolutely wrecks me. It ruins my progress in the gym, I don't have the energy to get through my day, I have to drink coffee or energy drinks non-stop, I can't seem to think clearly when I need to, & I can be in an all-around bad mood to all the wrong people when I'm not getting enough "ZZZZs".
I know you've battled this same thing for well over a decade, and have tried everything under the sun to improve recovery, sleep more, sleep more soundly, and just feel better in general.
I want to know what you know, because the "sleep hacks" I see out there never seem to last (if they work at all), and I just don't like the idea of having to get on prescription medication just to get some shut-eye.
That’s why I want to learn it all:
the one thing I should avoid every night for an hour before bed (and NO...it's not caffeine)
how my body can subconsciously show me I need extra sleep...even if I'm not tired
why sometimes getting up EARLIER will help me feel bettere
why hitting the snooze button is usually a bad idea
a simple exercise that can help me gently drift right off the sleep with almost no effort
what one of the biggest reasons I can't sleep is...and why it's kicking my ass in other areas of life, too
how some meds "put you to sleep" while others "let you fall asleep"...and what the difference means to you
a type of "music" that helps you sleep like a baby
why short "cat naps" can make such a drastic difference in my day
how a lack of sleep can make me gain weight...or do some really STUPID things
the oddball "alternative sleep schedule" that others would think is crazy, but might be just what I'm looking for
why a popular over-the-counter sleep aid MIGHT make me feel worse
why what I do when I'm in bed can drastically change whether or not I'm "ready" for sleep
how to be MORE well rested with LESS sleep
I know I'll learn all this and more with the...
Slumber Blast
I know that Slumber Blast is one guy's experiences, trials, tips, & advice after personally battling insomnia. I don't want to have to resort to crazy extremes or prescription meds, so I want to learn what you've learned so I can not only sleep more soundly, but live a more well-rested life, be in better moods, get more gym "gainz", & accomplish more.
I know this isn't all textbook reading or scientific studies...rather just what one regular guy like me has done in the "real world".
I know you wouldn't steer me wrong, nor make any wild claims, but that if I apply what you'll tell me, my sleep should improve & I should start feeling better.
I know that Slumber Blast is a 30-day "event" of sorts in that after I complete my transaction, I'll get to join a private, members-only, VIP newsletter list, exclusively for Slumber Blast customers.
You'll then send me a brand new email every single day for 30 days in a row like clockwork, where we'll talk about everything from how to fall asleep more easily, to whether or not I should get up early, and how to feel better & have more energy...even if I'm sleeping less.
After the 30 days are up, you'll then send me a bonus .pdf file with all 30 days' worth of emails published in one handy resource that I can not only have forever, but read on virtually any device I own.
You're going to give me pointers on everything from temperature of my bedroom to taking naps to electronic devices and even things like stress & meditation. I'll learn how to fit sleeping better into the bigger overall picture, and how I can best deal with this crazy insomnia demon not just now, but for the days, weeks, & months to come.
Plus I know I can always as for help if I need it!
So SIGN ME UP NOW...I want to start sleeping better & resting ASAP, and I want to get in on the crazy low price of only $37!
See you on the "other side"...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
**NOTE: All products mentioned on this page are electronic products made up of e-books (.pdf files), online video(s), facebook group(s), and/or private “membership” web pages – no physical products are shipped. Be sure to hit the “Return to Merchant” button after your transaction completes to get access to your product. I will manually send you a product access link via email to the address on your paypal transaction generally within 24 hours.