Get Your 4-Step Blueprint to "Get Jacked" Fast (Includes Sample Workouts)

Blog Archive:
4-Step Blueprint to "Get Jacked" – Want athletic strength, explosive power, fat-busting cardio, & lean, rock hard muscle? Here are the 4 steps to get it.
How James "Got Jacked" (& Beat the Doctors!) – How a former minor league baseball player went from bodybuilding and torn muscles to strong, fast, athletic, durable, and doing things in the "real world".
This Pullup "Hack" is Bullshit? – This hack will definitely help you do more Pullups...but everything else about it is pretty much useless in the "real world".
How to NOT Get Stronger? – Some of the best powerlifters in the world get stronger by using the "Maximal Effort" method. Learn why I think you should do something totally different.
Looking "Swole", Football, & Super-Easy Pullups – Your workout can make you strong & explosive or make you look good in the mirror...but can it do both? This lesson from a future NFL Hall of Famer says it should.
Why to Make Your Workout...YOUR WORKOUT – Discover why your workout should be completely unique and individual to you, yet at the same time...the exact same thing everyone else is doing?
There Is No Easy Way Out – Transforming yourself into a physical badass isn't easy...but it is doable. And it might not be as hard as you think.
Zombie Survival Guide? – Whether you're getting ready for the impending "zombiepocalypse" or just want the strength & endurance to excel when you do shit in the "real world", functional fitness is the name of the game. But just what does "functional fitness" mean?
How to Get Functional Fitness In Your Gym – Being able to pick up & move heavy stuff, jump up & over things, move your body around easily, & enough cardio to work as long as you want would most definitely help you kick serious ass in the "real world". But do you really need "boxes"' full of special equipment to do it?
Chris Calls Out Wiggy's Snatch – Learn what one of the industry's top muscle-building experts says about learning the barbell Snatch...and why I think it proves that dumbbells are a better option.