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There Is No Easy Way Out
"Transforming yourself into a physical badass isn't easy...but it is doable. And it might not be as hard as you think."
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #GetJacked Project
You don't wanna hear this, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.
Tough love & all that.
Too many of the workout guru wannabe cool guys have been feeding you a line of crap. Been trying to tell you that you can turn yourself into a physical badass & that it's easy.
Just doesn't work that way.
I don't care what their fake Facebook ads with pics of The Rock & John Cena try to fool you into can't just take a couple supplements & magically get the body of a superstar.
You can't just do a few sloppy set of Curls and have 18" arms stretching the threads on your T-shirts.
You can't halfass some silly Bench workout and put up three plates for reps in a few weeks.
And you sure as shit can't just do a few crunches at the end of your workout & all of a sudden have washboard abs.
You're gonna have to work for it.
Now the GOOD thing is that all of this IS doable.
And while it's not "I'm-just-gonna-screw-off-and-hope-I-turn-out-awesome" easy, it's certainly not as hard as you might think.
Especially for guys like us that want it all.
See, they've also tried to tell us that we have to pick & choose.
We have to be a powerlifter. Or into bodyweight exericse. Or "functional fitness". Or a bodybuilder.
Well, I say "SCREW THAT". I wanna be able to do all that. And more.
And the thing is that it's rather simple to do...and all.
The key comes down to knowing how to manipulate your workout to get crazy "bang for your buck".
Meaning knowing how to get 2 or 3 different benefits out of the same amount of work.
For instance, if you wanna get athletic & have explosive power, you'd often be told you gotta do specific exercises for that (like maybe the Olympic lifts).
Or have a dedicated workout just for that style of training (like a "dynamic effort" Squat day).
But when you know how to tweak your workout, you don't need any of that.
You can do your normal Squat workout to not only get strong, but to also build explosive power AND put on lean muscle.
You can a few simple Jumps to not only build explosive power, but to get more athletic, act as bodyweight exercise (so you get good at moving your body around), and be good cardio (which will burn more calories & get you looking better in the mirror).
See what I mean?
You don't have to go in & do 10 workouts per week. Or train 3 hours per day.
If you want athletic strength, explosive power, lean muscle, *and* fat-busting cardio, you just gotta know how to get the most out of workout.
And I can show you you how to "Get Jacked". Click the button below to learn more: