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Looking "Swole", Football, & Super-Easy Pullups
"Your workout can make you strong & explosive or make you look good in the mirror...but can it do both? This lesson from a future NFL Hall of Famer says it should."
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #GetJacked Project
So it's last Friday & I'm doing Upper Body.
Bench, Pullups, Rows, some easy Cardio, & a little more.
Was a slightly modified version of Day #3 from this program.
(Because yes, unlike most other intrawebz workout guru wannabe cool guys, I actually *use* my own workout programs. lol)
Now not to get all "fashionista" on you, but normally, I just work out in athletic shorts, a bandana, and a loose & comfortable T-shirt (with a "workout shirt" underneath).
I started with my warmup (including foam rolling, GPP, strategically placed plyos, & a quick conditioning circuit) and I gotta say...I was feeling pretty damn good.
I've had my diet pretty on point (well, for the most part, anyway) lately. Between that and these workouts, I've been leaning down quite a bit while getting stronger & more athletic.
It'd been a while since I'd hit the gym in a tank top or a "workout shirt" (t-shirt with the sleeves cut off), but I was feeling "swole", so I took the regular T-shirt off.
Not to toot my own horn, but I was fairly impressed with what I was seeing in the mirror.
Shoulders were full & round, way more separation between muscles, and a bumpy & muscular looking upper back & traps.
Maybe it's vain, but I felt *really* good about how I looked...and it just SKYROCKETED the motivation.
The weight I was Benching felt lighter than normal. Have recently gone back to using the Pullup program you get with this & I was pulling myself up so hard and fast that I thought I was gonna start busting out Muscle-Ups by accident.
I just felt strong, light on my feet, fast & explosive...
...and it was heavily brought on by feeling good about liking what I saw in the mirror.
Reminded me of a story.
I've told this before, but when I was a kid, I was a huge Notre Dame football fan.
It was the early '90s. Lou Holtz was coaching 'em, and future NFL Hall of Famer Jerome Bettis was their fullback.
Holtz, being an old school guy, wouldn't let his players wrap athletic tape around their shoes & the team was trying to convince him to change his mind.
When he asked the team why, they gave him this BS about it giving their ankles more support or giving 'em more traction on the field. Holtz wasn't buying any of it.
Bettis finally piped up & said that it just made him feel good. And when he felt good, he played good.
This made sense to Holtz, so he changed his mind & everyone could then tape their shoes.
So many of the workout gurus try to tell us that we should either focus just on how we look (like in bodybuilding) or on how we perform (like in powerlifting).
I think we should want to do both.
When you focus on getting stronger, being more athletic & explosive, having better cardio, etc, if you get your diet even halfway right, you're gonna build a pretty aesthetic physique that "looks good nekkid".
Yet on the flip side, when you have a build that you're proud to look at in the mirror, not only does it make you feel better just when you're out & about (especially with the ladies), but it makes you wanna hit your workouts that much harder.
(Just like Bettis taping his shoes.)
That's why this program is all about "getting jacked".
It's not just getting big & ripped.
Nor is it just about getting strong, athletic, & with badass cardio.
It's about the being the whole package.
Because if you can have it all...why wouldn't you? Hit the button below to learn more: