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Zombie Survival Guide?
"Whether you're getting ready for the impending 'zombiepocalypse' or just want the strength & endurance to excel when you do shit in the 'real world', functional fitness is the name of the game. But just what does 'functional fitness' mean?"
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #Forge
**NOTE - the below was originally published in October 2015, just as the sixth season of "The Walking Dead" TV show was about to premier.
So if you've been anywhere near Facebook (or the intrawebz in general), you know that the TV show "The Walking Dead" comes back on tonight.
Mini-Wiggy is pretty pumped. She's a *huge* Walking Dead fan.
(Even has a pair of TWD boxers I got her that she ceremoniously wears every time a new episode comes on. lol)
As long as it's better than the "Fear the Walking Dead" spinoff show was. Good grief, that thing was a craptastic pile of garbage juice.
Speaking of craptastic, I guess some of the "gurus" in the fitness & workout world are trying to cash in on the Walking Dead popularity.
Actually came across a website yesterday for a "zombie survival guide" workout.
But before I get into that...
Deadlifting 484 Pounds for Reps
Came across this older Facebook post from my buddy John about his time doing the #Forge workout:
(For those of us in the US, 200kg = 484 pounds)
So Deadlifting 484lbs for reps, it's light, AND cranking out 3 more exercises as a part of a complex RIGHT after it.
Brah-vo, John. Impressive shit...which is probably why the other guys there were congratulating you after, huh? lol
If that same kinda strength, conditioning, and "functional fitness" in general is up your alley, then go give the #Forge workout a shot.
You'll be glad you did.
Zombie Fitness?
John's workout actually proves why that "zombie workout" was so silly, if I'm honest.
The whole thing looked to be a couple powerlifting strength movements, a bunch of bodybuilding "foo foo" stuff, then some intervals to make you "hardcore".
If we're legit talking the zombiepocalypse here, most of that is gonna get you nowhere.
Let's say shit hits the fan, zombies turn out to be real, & the undead start to walk the earth looking for brains.
First of all, you better get good at using a weapon...and fast. So figure that.
But fact of that matter is that if you're gonna survive, you want legit "functional fitness".
Think about how it looks in almost any post-apocalypitic type TV show or movie:
You're walking long distances daily (usually carrying everything you own on your back), you have to be ready to hack & slash a bad guy when he pops outta nowhere at a moment's notice, & if things really go bad, you gotta be able to haul ass to safety.
And if you're traveling with a loved one, you gotta make sure they're Ok, too.
(Sure as shit no zombie is getting at Mini-Wiggy, I'll tell you that.)
Does any of that to you say "Lateral Raises" or "intervals on the elliptical machine"?
Compare that to the workout John described:
Deadlifting damn near 500lbs for reps (meaning you're a super-strong mofo)
Doing 3 more exercises right after it (meaning you've got the endurance to keep working AND the conditioning to do more work while you're already fatigued some)
Repeating it for 6 rounds (meaning you've got the work capacity to work & work & work & work)
(Oh and by the way...that's all one small part of a single workout in the #Forge you're actually getting a lot more than just that.)
THAT is legit functional fitness - not, I mean "kipping"...your ass up to a Pullup bar a zillion times in a row.
In fact, I happen to know that John recently took a job that involves slinging around & manhandling these ginormous truck tires:
Think you're dealing with those monsters all day long without being in some kickass shape?
Listen - I don't care if you're slinging tires or hacking zombies, if functional fitness is your
thing, then you gotta do it the right way.
I can show you how.
All you have to do is =>Click the Big Button Below: