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Chris Calls Out Wiggy's Snatch
"Learn what one of the industry's top muscle-building experts says about learning the barbell Snatch...and why I think it proves that dumbbells are a better option."
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #Forge
I kinda figured this was gonna happen.
If you remember, yesterday I was talking about how the best way to improve your functional fitness is to not worry about all the technical exercises & specialized equipment you see in so many other workouts & gyms.
Especially the "boxes".
Instead, just do what you know how to do, with what equipment you already have access to in your normal gym.
Just tweak your workout programs is all.
I ended up making the specific comment:
"Don't know how to do Olympic barbell Snatches (or not strong enough to use a heavy weight)? No problem - grab a dumbbell & Snatch that instead."
This got Chris in a twist.
"Dude, You're Speaking Out of Both Sides of Your Mouth"
Evidently, he thought I was trying to pull some mental trickery via email.
First, I'm saying that many of the other functional fitness workouts you see on the market have you doing Snatches.
Then I imply Snatches are too technical for regular guys like you & I to do and that you should just do something different.
Then I say you should do Snatches with a dumbbell, instead.
Chris quickly tried to call me out on my Snatch comments, emailing me to say (among other
"Dude, you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth"
Yeah, I admit that it *could* look that way if you didn't know better.
(No offense Chris, but you don't.)
Because the thing is that Dumbbell Snatches are WAY easier to do than normal barbell Snatches.
That means you can get the strength, explosive power, & athletic benefits that much faster.
And THAT means you get the functional fitness you want that much faster.
What Do You REALLY Want?
In an effort to find an "expert" to support what I'm telling you (plus to toss in a little bit of "don't just take my word for it" at the same time)...
I tracked down an article* by muscle-building expert, and contributor to places like Arnold Schwarzenegger's website, Muscle & Fitness, Men's Fitness, and Live Strong, Jason Ferruggia.
In it, he lays out 10 ways to improve your barbell Snatch.
First thing he recommends?
Notice what he says about how if he could "only use one exercise for power development that wasn't a jump, it would be the one arm dumbbell snatch".
Meaning that if you want explosive power (which is a *huge* part of functional fitness), then you should be doing the Dumbbell Snatch.
Jumping too, for that matter.
(Both of which are big parts of this workout, by the way.)
Ferruggia unknowingly goes to support the idea of Dumbbell Snatches being superior for functional fitness even more when he later in the article goes on to say that if you want to improve your barbell Snatch, you have to:
See, ultimately it comes down to what you really want.
If your goal is to get really good at doing barbell Snatches, then by all means, spend the next few weeks & months practicing 'em with a piece of PVC pipe or a broomstick.
You won't use 'em to build any strength, explosive power, or functional fitness during that whole time, but you will eventually get good at doing barbell Snatches.
On the other hand, if having more (and better) functional fitness is what you really care about, then just stick with the Dumbbell Snatch.
It's way easier to learn, you can start doing 'em inside of just a few minutes, and you can use heavy enough weights that you're actually gonna get the results you really want.
I mean, simply put - in the next 8-10 weeks, you could get a lot better at doing barbell Snatches...
Or you could skyrocket your functional fitness.
The latter sounds better to me. And I'm guessing it does you, too.
So if more functional fitness is what you really want...
WITHOUT needing to know how to do technical exercises or having access to specialized equipment...
(Because we didn't even bring up the idea of needing bumper plates to do barbell you even have those in your gym? I sure don't...)
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