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This Pullup "Hack" is Bullshit?
"This hack will definitely help you do more Pullups...but everything else about it is pretty much useless in the 'real world'."
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at
Creator: #GetJacked Project
I dunno about you, but I am SO sick of this crap.
Every damn guru on the intrawebz seems to have a "hack" they're peddling.
Hack your sleep. Hack your diet. Hack your productivity. Hack your life.
Remember the good ole' days when the only thing getting hacked was your computer?
One of the most common "hacks" you see in the workout world (or at least in the circles that guys like you & I run in) is for Pullups.
It's commonly known as "GTG"...or the "Grease the Groove" method...and was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline.
(I'm sure you've seen / heard of it before.)
Long story short, you do lots of easy sets of Pullups throughout the day with way less than your max...say 50% or so.
So if you can do 8 Pullups, then you do a bunch of sets of 4 spread throughout the day.
Repeat this nearly everyday for a couple-few weeks, rest a day or two, re-test yourself, and your max number of Pullups will have gone up. Usually dramatically.
And it works. Works pretty well, in fact.
So if it works, then why is it a "hack" and why am I (generally) not a fan?
GTG is basically just "practice".
It's be along the same lines as going to the driving range or the batting cage. You just drill and drill and drill and drill until you teach your body (more or less) the muscle memory to get really good at something.
This is what it does with Pullups.
You practice & practice & practice until you teach your body to get really good at doing Pullups...but that's as far as it goes.
When you break away from just doing Pullups (or even often just start doing a different version of 'em), then the "gainz" don't really translate or carry over.
If you put 50 pounds on your Bench Press, that means your upper body is stronger overall. So when go do a different exercise (like Weighted Dips, for instance)...
Or better yet, go out & do something in the "real world" (because it's not like any of us actually live in the gym)...
Then you're a stronger & more capable dude in general. You've got more strength to rely on & that you can use doing other stuff.
But if all you use is GTG & you improve your Pullups from say 8 to 15, then when you go do other "real world shit", there's not usually any serious carry over.
You're not a a stronger & more capable dude in general.
See what I'm getting at?
Now if Pullup numbers are the *only* thing you're interested in (like if you were preparing for a military PT test), then GTG might be a viable option.
But for most guys like you & I, your best bet to increase your Pullups is to dedicate only a little bit of time to GTG type activity, while you spend the rest of your effort doing stuff that's gonna get your back muscles big & strong as a whole.
That way, you're building that baseline size & strength you need (which *will* translate & carry over to "real world shit"), and THEN apply some GTG-like principles to it.
NOW you're getting the best of all worlds & being WAY more productive with (more or less) the same amount of effort.
Best of all, it doesn't just "work" when you're doing one particular type of Pullup. It "works" when you're doing anything that would get better when you have more Pullup strength.
Now this program will radically improve your Pullups...and in only just a few weeks.
(Hell, it helped my buddy Steven win a Pullup contest & Hayley do her first Pullup ever!)
So you *could* go here & get started.
You could Go Here Instead & get this badass Pullup program at no charge.
Think of it as my gift to you for taking the leap to turning yourself into a physical badass.
Get the Pullup Workout (No Charge) when you Click the Button Below: