4 Steps to "Get Jacked"
"Want athletic strength, explosive power, fat-busting cardio, & lean, rock hard muscle? Here are the 4 steps to get it."
By: Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
“Resident BAMF” & “Lead Badass” at WCFnation.com
Creator: #GetJacked Project
If you're anything like me or the guys I tend to hang out with (in person or via the intrawebz), then you wanna get jacked.
By that, I mean you want it all.

You wanna be strong, but also be athletic & be able to move well. (What I call athletic strength".)
You want serious loads of explosive power, because being slow sucks.
As much as you want to perform well, you also wanna look the part. Which is where building lean & aesthetic muscle comes in.
And none of that does you any good if you're huffing & puffing after a couple minutes, have no energy, or look like you're wearing a hollywood fat suit.
So that's why you want fat-busting cardio.
But you might wonder how to put all this together in one workout program...or at least without having to be in the gym for hours at a time or need to do 8 different workouts every week.
So let's look at the 4 steps your workouts should take if you wanna get jacked.
Step #1 - A Proper Warmup
Ok, don't start yawning - I know warmups don't sound like anything exciting.
But if you're smart, you don't just use your warmups to elevate your core temperature or get you ready for your workout.
With a little bit of strategic movement selection, you can drastically improve your work capacity, "fool proof" your way to improved explosive power, *and* even radically increase your intense conditioning.
(**Quick Tip - if you're gonna do plyos, my way of doing warmups is the perfect time to do 'em)
All in just the first few minutes of your workout.
Step #2 - The "Main Exercise"
This sets the tone for the rest of the workout...not to mention all your "gainz" in general.
If you wanna get jacked, then a big, compound movement should be the foundation of each workout - think Overhead Press, Deadlift, Bench, and so on.
The main purpose of this exercise is to get you stronger, because strength is what power, speed, athleticism, muscle building, & more are all based on.
There's more than just one way to get strong, though.
You could ramp your way up to a new "max" over several weeks. You could integrate some basic conditioning with your strength work, or you could do a good mix of heavy stuff & muscle-building.
All depends on your main goal at the time.
Because not only is this when you get strong, but you also further your explosive power development.
Step #3 - Assistance Work
The main exercise is obviously important, but it's your assistance work that rounds it all out.
This is when you balance out all your strength development (getting you even stronger still,
not to mention prevent muscular imbalances & injuries).
It's also when you do dedicated muscle building work.
Now is when you not only put on more size (if that's your goal), but you do those "little things" make your physique "pop" & give it that aesthetic tweak that makes you look good in the mirror...
...and especially nekkid. 😉
Step #4 - Power-Conditioning & Cardio
Being strong & building muscle is awesome, but you gotta "go" as well as you "show".
(No dude wants to be "that guy" that looks good & can move a pile of weight, but like Cinderella when the clock strikes midnight, magically turns into a slow, lumbering oaf the moment he steps outta the gym.)
This is when you do more explosive power moves, bodyweight calisthenics, and more.

Now you're turning that strength into "athletic strength". You're getting good at moving your body. And getting better on your feet.
Meanwhile, it all gets you huffing & puffing like crazy (which gets you crazy good cardio) and burns a ton of calories (bye-bye beer belly).
Now you might be wondering how to put all this together into one simple "get jacked" workout.
Well, lucky for you I already have it all figured out.
All you have to do is show up & do the work.
I literally couldn't make it any easier for you...
...unless maybe I showed up & did the workouts for you, but that's not gonna do you a whole
lotta good...lol
So, you wanna know how to "get jacked"? Then Click the Button Below Now: