Build Muscle, Drop Bodyfat, & Drink Beer Whenever You Want When You Dine on The...
Eat Anything You Like Blast
"Get the 'brain-dead' simple diet to build muscle, lose fat, be athletic, & skyrocket your energy. No more tracking calories, weighing your food, or worrying about what you eat. You could almost call it the 'Beer & Pizza' diet..."
Ok, I'm going to make this as simple as possible...most of the fitness industry SERIOUSLY overcomplicates diet and nutrition.
Tracking calories, weighing food, GMO this, organic that, artificial additives, all-natural, paleo, IIFYM, "zones", low carb, high carb...
(And don't even get me started on all the vegetarian & vegan stuff out there.)
Fact of the matter is that nutrition really doesn't need to be complicated. It can - and should - actually be "brain-dead simple".
And as far as this whole "always eat this" and "never eat that" type of things goes...good grief. GTFOutta here with that crap.
Listen - WCF has been simplifying the hell out of working out for years, streamlining the process of getting strong, explosive, athletic, serious cardio, burning calories, and pretty much anything else you wanna do in your workouts.
Well, I'm sick of the fitness industry crap, so it's high time WCF did the same thing for your diet & nutrition it does for your workouts.
That's why I'm going to give you everything you need with the "Eat Anything You Like Blast":
How to never have to "count calories" again
Why weighing your food sucks
Why it doesn't matter how many times per day (or when) you eat
The "one-step" method to calculating how many calories you should eat daily
How much protein you really should be eating (it's not as much as you think)
Why being "perfect" will never happen with your diet...and why it doesn't matter
How to drink beer & eat pizza every Friday night if you want to (I usually do!)
Why a little planning in the very beginning will simplify your diet for months to come
How to make grocery shopping SUPER easy
Why you shouldn't worry about how many calories you're taking in every single day
Want a candy bar? Why you should go ahead & eat one
The #1 most critical factor in diet & nutrition success
How to eat damn near anything you want, whenever you want
Why you don't need a different nutrition plan to lose fat, gain muscle, or be an athlete
This is honestly all just the beginning. I could go on for a while, but the easiest way for me to put it is to say:
If you want to fast-track fat loss, speed up muscle building, ensure you're as strong & powerful as possible, have tons of energy, & make your diet simply a "non-issue", then don't pop another morsel in your mouth until you have the "Eat Anything You Like Blast"!
Anyway, Here's the Deal...
The Eat Anything You Like Blast is going to radically over-simplify your diet, fast track your fat loss, and teach you how you can eat damn near anything you want, whenever you want.
You'll get nothing but fluff-free, "put-this-to-work-right-away" info, formulas, & more. Your very next meal will have you on track to lean muscle, six pack abs, and new workout PRs in no time.
The Eat Anything You Like Blast comes with nearly an hour long online DVD which will teach you all the "ins & outs" of eating properly, the easy way to figure out your daily calories & macros, as well as show you how to never have to count calories again.
You'll also get a handy .pdf reference guide, as well be connected to various other helpful sources & calculators around the internet to even further simplify your diet & nutrition needs.
Plus, you'll always have me at your disposal to ask questions, get support, & be here for anything else you might want or need.
So SIGN UP NOW...make dieting "easy", simplify your nutrition, and get to eat virtually anything you want, whenever you want...not to mention get in on this crazy low price of only $27!
All you have to do is Click the Big Button Below:
See you on the "other side"...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
**NOTE: All products mentioned on this page are electronic products made up of e-books (.pdf files), online video(s), facebook group(s), and/or private “membership” web pages – no physical products are shipped. Be sure to hit the “Return to Merchant” button after your transaction completes to get access to your product. I will manually send you a product access link via email to the address on your paypal transaction generally within 24 hours.